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Showing: 2 RESULTS

We were featured on the Today Show!

DMK’s amazing Enzyme Treatments were featured on NBC’s The Today Show The other day, the Today Show featured Beauty Secrets from Around the World. They chose DMK skin and our …


Skinful Saturday & Sunscreen

How Best to use sunscreen from leading paramedical skin therapist Incandescent Skin.

Let’s talk about Sunscreen and combating sun damage for a moment. Using a Vitamin C serum along with your sunscreen can boost the effectiveness of your sunscreen. It helps to prevent melanin from forming in your skin that can go on to create sun damage or pigmentation. Vitamin C should be applied under sunscreen as it acts as a scavenger to the sun’s rays which bring free radicals. Furthermore, the sun hunts for Vitamin C and will soak up a topical version before going for the internal version. Lastly, it is a common mistake to assume that once you applied the products you are good for the day. That simply isn’t true. Sunscreen lasts 75 minutes which means if you have ongoing sun exposure, it’s best to reapply.
